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2025 Spring Registration

Registration is LIVE for the 2025 spring season for all age groups!

Please follow the links below to register:

High School

Register for the spring 2025 high school lacrosse season!

Rec League

Register for the spring 2025 youth rec season!

information on our youth rec league

SPRING 2025 Boys registration fees

  • Middle School: $325
  • U11 (4th & 5th grade): $300
  • U9 (2nd & 3rd grade): $275
  • U7 (K & 1st grade): $100

MS/u11/u9 Schedule info

  • Practices are on Tuesdays and Thursdays and will begin the week of February 3rd:
    • U9: 6:00 - 7:30 pm
    • U11: 6:15 - 7:45 pm
    • MS: 6:30 - 8:00 pm
  • Games will begin the second weekend of March
  • No practices or game during winter and spring breaks

U7 Schedule Info

  • U7 will have a combined practice/scrimmage session once a week, tentatively Sunday afternoons.
  • Practices will begin Sunday, March 2nd
  • Scrimmages with local programs are scheduled to occur in April. Schedule is TBD until we get confirmation from other local programs that have a K/1 team.


  • New Player Discount - Receive a $75 discount if you are a first-time new youth player (not applicable for U7). Please email for your individual discount code prior to completing your registration. 
  • Sibling Discount - Receive a $25 discount for sibling registrations (not applicable for U7)


    Uniform cost: $65
  • For the spring season we will wear the same rec uniforms from last fall and last spring. If you are a first-time player, or if you're a returning player and need to purchase a new uniform, please indicate when prompted during registration. Otherwise, you can use your uniform from last fall.


  • Required equipment you must provide: Lacrosse stick, cleats, protective cup and mouth guard.
  • Rental equipment available for $75. The rental equipment package includes helmet, shoulder pads, elbow pads and gloves, and must be returned at the end of the season.


Boys are eligible to register if they are districted for Hillgrove High School, are home-schooled or their school does not have a lacrosse program for their age category.